Affinity Diagram

Learn how Affinity Diagram helps to organize large sets of product ideas or information based on their similarities. It's a bottom-up brainstorming technique that can inform product decisions.

What is Affinity Diagram?


Affinity Diagram is a tool used in product management to organize and group ideas, opinions, and issues into categories. It is a visual representation of a brainstorming session that helps to identify patterns and relationships among the ideas generated.

How does it work?

The process of creating an affinity diagram involves several steps. First, a group of people is gathered to brainstorm ideas related to a particular topic. The ideas are then written down on sticky notes or cards, one idea per note. Once all the ideas are generated, they are placed on a wall or board.Next, the group begins to group the ideas into categories based on their similarities. The categories are then labeled, and the ideas are rearranged to fit into the appropriate category. This process continues until all the ideas are grouped into categories.

Why is it important?

The affinity diagram is an important tool in product management because it helps to organize and prioritize ideas. It allows the team to see the big picture and identify the most important issues to address. By grouping the ideas into categories, it also helps to identify patterns and relationships among the ideas, which can lead to new insights and solutions.The affinity diagram is also a collaborative tool that encourages participation and engagement from all team members. It allows everyone to contribute their ideas and opinions, which can lead to a more comprehensive and diverse set of ideas.


In conclusion, the affinity diagram is a valuable tool in product management that helps to organize and prioritize ideas. It is a collaborative tool that encourages participation and engagement from all team members. By using the affinity diagram, product managers can identify patterns and relationships among ideas, leading to new insights and solutions.