Market Requirements Document (MRD)

The Market Requirements Document (MRD) is a crucial document in product management, outlining the features and specifications needed to meet customer needs. Learn how it can help your product succeed.

What is Market Requirements Document (MRD)?

A Market Requirements Document (MRD) is a strategic document that outlines the market needs, target customers, and desired features of a product or service. It is a crucial component of the product management process, as it helps to ensure that the product being developed aligns with the needs and expectations of the target market. The MRD serves as a guide for the product development team, providing a clear understanding of the market requirements and the necessary features to meet those needs.

Why is an MRD important?

An MRD is essential for several reasons:

  • It helps to identify and prioritize the needs of the target market, ensuring that the product or service being developed addresses those needs effectively.
  • It provides a clear and concise roadmap for the product development team, ensuring that they understand the market requirements and can develop a product that meets those needs.
  • It helps to minimize the risk of developing a product that does not meet the needs of the target market, which can lead to wasted resources and a failed product launch.
  • It serves as a communication tool between the product management team and other stakeholders, such as sales, marketing, and engineering teams, ensuring that everyone is aligned on the market requirements and product features.

Key components of an MRD

An effective MRD should include the following components:

  1. Market overview: This section provides a high-level overview of the target market, including its size, growth potential, and key trends. It should also identify the primary competitors in the market and their respective market shares.
  2. Target customer profile: This section outlines the characteristics of the target customer, including demographics, psychographics, and any other relevant attributes. It should also describe the customer's needs, pain points, and desired outcomes.
  3. Product requirements: This section lists the specific features and functionality that the product must have to meet the needs of the target market. These requirements should be prioritized based on their importance to the customer and their potential impact on the product's success.
  4. Assumptions and constraints: This section outlines any assumptions made during the development of the MRD, as well as any constraints that may impact the product's development, such as budget limitations or technological limitations.
  5. Success metrics: This section defines the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will be used to measure the success of the product in the market. These metrics should be aligned with the overall business objectives and should be measurable and achievable.
  6. Timeline and milestones: This section provides an estimated timeline for the product's development, including key milestones and deliverables. It should also outline any dependencies or risks that may impact the timeline.


A well-crafted Market Requirements Document is a critical tool for ensuring the success of a product or service in the market. By clearly outlining the market needs, target customers, and desired features, an MRD helps to guide the product development process and ensure that the end result meets the needs and expectations of the target market. Additionally, an MRD serves as a valuable communication tool between the product management team and other stakeholders, helping to align everyone on the market requirements and product features.