
Understand the productivity and progress of your team with Velocity, a key metric in agile product development. Calculate your team's velocity to improve efficiency and achieve your goals.

What is Velocity?

Velocity is a term used in product management to measure the rate at which a team is delivering work. It is a metric that helps product managers understand how much work a team can complete within a given time frame. Velocity is often used in agile development methodologies such as Scrum, where it is used to estimate how much work can be completed in a sprint.

How is Velocity calculated?

Velocity is calculated by measuring the number of story points completed by a team in a given time frame. Story points are a measure of the complexity and effort required to complete a task. They are assigned to each task by the team during sprint planning. The total number of story points completed in a sprint is divided by the length of the sprint to calculate the team's velocity.

For example, if a team completes 30 story points in a two-week sprint, their velocity would be 15 story points per week.

Why is Velocity important?

Velocity is an important metric for product managers because it helps them plan and forecast future work. By understanding a team's velocity, product managers can estimate how much work can be completed in future sprints and plan accordingly. Velocity also helps product managers identify potential issues with a team's productivity. If a team's velocity drops significantly, it may indicate that they are struggling with a particular task or that there are other issues that need to be addressed.

How can Velocity be improved?

There are several ways to improve a team's velocity. One approach is to break down tasks into smaller, more manageable pieces. This can help the team complete tasks more quickly and increase their velocity. Another approach is to identify and remove any obstacles that are slowing down the team's progress. This could include issues with tools or processes, or it could be related to team dynamics or communication.

It is also important to regularly review and adjust the team's velocity. As the team becomes more experienced and efficient, their velocity may increase. On the other hand, if the team is struggling with a particular task or facing external challenges, their velocity may decrease. By regularly reviewing and adjusting the team's velocity, product managers can ensure that they are accurately forecasting future work and making the most of the team's capabilities.


Velocity is a key metric for product managers who are working with agile development teams. By measuring the rate at which a team is delivering work, product managers can plan and forecast future work, identify potential issues, and improve team productivity. By understanding how velocity is calculated and how it can be improved, product managers can make the most of this important metric and help their teams achieve their goals.