Simplifying Code Review: Tips for Improving Readability

Dinesh Rawat
March 2, 2024
5 min
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Code review is an essential process in software development that involves having other team members review your code to check for bugs, improve code quality, and promote knowledge sharing. However, code review can sometimes be a complex and time-consuming task.

At Shorter Loop, we recognize that code review can occasionally be intricate and time-consuming. In this article, we will explore some effective tips for simplifying the code review process and improving the readability of code.

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Introduction to Code Review

Before we dive into the specifics of code review, let's start with a brief introduction. Code review is a process where developers review each other's code to identify bugs, improve code quality, and ensure that the code is maintainable and scalable. It is an essential part of the software development lifecycle and helps catch issues before they become bigger problems.

Code review can be done in various ways, such as pair programming or using code review tools that allow developers to share and review code online. The main objectives of code review are to increase code accuracy, readability, and maintainability.

Benefits of Code Review

Code review offers a multitude of benefits for both individual developers and the development team as a whole. Let's explore some of the key benefits:

Bug Detection and Prevention

One of the primary benefits of code review is bug detection and prevention. By reviewing code before it goes into production, developers can catch bugs and potential errors early on, saving time and effort that would otherwise be spent on debugging. For example, by reviewing the code, one can identify missing input validation or error handling, leading to more robust and reliable software.

Improved Code Quality

Code review promotes high-quality code by enforcing best practices and coding standards. It helps identify code smells, improve readability, simplify complex logic, and ensure that the code follows industry standards. By reviewing code, developers can catch potential issues and suggest improvements, resulting in cleaner and more maintainable code.

Knowledge Sharing and Learning

Code review provides an excellent opportunity for knowledge sharing among team members. Reviewers can provide feedback, suggest alternative solutions, and share their expertise, which helps spread knowledge and improve the skills of all team members. By reviewing code, developers can learn from each other and gain insights into different coding styles and approaches.

Collaboration and Teamwork

Code review fosters collaboration and teamwork within the development team. By reviewing code together, developers can work towards a common goal of creating high-quality software. It encourages open communication, constructive feedback, and a sense of collective ownership over the codebase.

Code Review Checklist

To ensure a thorough and effective code review, it is helpful to follow a code review checklist. The checklist serves as a guide and helps reviewers evaluate different aspects of the code. Here are some key elements to include in a code review checklist:


Review the code to ensure that it meets all the requirements and functions as expected. Check for error handling, edge cases, and overall correctness. For example, verify that the code handles empty inputs or invalid user inputs gracefully.


Evaluate the clarity and readability of the code. Check if the code is easy to understand and maintain by other developers. Look for clear variable names, consistent indentation, and appropriate use of comments and documentation. For instance, consider whether the code could benefit from more descriptive variable names or additional comments to explain complex logic.


Assess the structure and organization of the code. Check if the code follows a logical flow, has well-defined functions with single responsibilities, and adheres to good software architecture principles. For example, consider whether the code could benefit from refactoring to improve modularity or reduce complexity.


Review the code for maintainability. Check if the code is easy to modify, test, and debug. Look for adherence to coding standards, naming conventions, and best practices. For instance, consider whether the code could benefit from better separation of concerns or more comprehensive unit tests.


Evaluate the performance of the code. Check if the code is optimized and efficient in terms of time complexity, memory usage, and resource utilization. Look for potential performance bottlenecks or areas where the code could be optimized. For example, consider whether the code could benefit from using more efficient algorithms or data structures.


Ensure that the code is secure and free from vulnerabilities. Check for proper input validation, error handling, and protection against common security threats such as injection attacks. Look for potential security risks and suggest appropriate measures to mitigate them. For instance, consider whether the code could benefit from input sanitization or encryption of sensitive data.


Review the code documentation to ensure clarity and accuracy. Check if the code is well-documented, with clear explanations of its purpose, inputs, outputs, and usage. Look for comprehensive comments, docstrings, and README files. For example, consider whether the code could benefit from additional documentation to facilitate understanding and maintainability.


Assess the test coverage and quality of the code. Check if the code has comprehensive unit tests that cover different scenarios and edge cases. Look for test cases that verify the correctness and robustness of the code. For example, consider whether the code could benefit from additional test cases or more rigorous testing methodologies.

By following a comprehensive code review checklist, reviewers can ensure that all important aspects of the code are evaluated, leading to higher code quality and improved software.

Tips for Conducting Code Reviews

Conducting effective code reviews requires a systematic approach and attention to detail. Here are some tips to make your code reviews more productive and efficient:

Understand the Context

Before starting a code review, take the time to understand the context and purpose of the code being reviewed. Familiarize yourself with the project requirements, design decisions, and any relevant documentation. This will help you provide more meaningful feedback and suggestions.

Read the Code Thoroughly

Read the code carefully, paying attention to the logic, data flow, and error handling. Understand how different components and modules interact with each other. Take notes as you go through the code to capture your observations and questions.

Follow Style Guidelines

Check if the code follows the organization's style guidelines or a widely accepted coding style guide, such as PEP 8 for Python. Consistent and readable code is easier to maintain and understand. Look for issues such as inconsistent indentation, variable naming, or spacing.

Identify Potential Bugs

Look for potential bugs, logic errors, or edge cases that may not have been handled properly. Consider different scenarios and inputs to verify the correctness of the code. Use your knowledge and experience to identify potential issues that the code author may have overlooked.

Verify Input Validation and Error Handling

Check if the code adequately validates user inputs and handles potential errors and exceptions. Look for proper error messages, exception handling, and resource cleanup. Consider different scenarios and inputs to ensure that the code behaves as expected.

Review Performance Considerations

Evaluate the performance of the code, paying attention to areas where it may be inefficient or resource-intensive. Look for potential performance bottlenecks, such as nested loops or excessive database queries. Suggest optimizations where applicable, such as using more efficient algorithms or caching mechanisms.

Ensure Proper Documentation

Review the code's comments and documentation to ensure clarity and accuracy. Check if the code is self-explanatory, but also consider whether additional comments or documentation could improve understanding. Provide feedback on the clarity and completeness of the code documentation.

Provide Constructive Feedback

When providing feedback, be specific and provide concrete examples. Focus on providing actionable suggestions for improvement rather than simply pointing out issues. Be respectful and constructive in your feedback, keeping in mind that the goal is to improve the code and promote a positive and collaborative environment.

By following these tips, you can conduct more effective code reviews and help improve the quality and maintainability of the codebase.

Start using GitHub- Start with a pull request

Pull requests are important for working together on GitHub. They help projects grow, add new features, and talk about how to make changes before changing the source code.

Image Source: Github

Review requests

If you need peer reviews, it's easy. Just add users to your pull request. They'll get a message telling them you need their thoughts.

Image Source: Github

Discuss code

On GitHub, you can chat while working on your code. You can leave comments about the coding details and ask questions about its structure right there.

Image Source: Github


To limit the amount of notifications for your team, combine your feedback into one review. Then, clearly say if your comments are required changes or just ideas.

Image Source: Github

Automated vs. Manual Code Review

Automated and manual code reviews are two methods of reviewing code during the software development process. Each method has its strengths and can complement each other.

Automated Code Review

Automated code review involves using specialized tools to scan source code for potential issues. These tools can catch simple issues such as syntax errors, memory leaks, and security vulnerabilities. Automated code review tools often use static code analysis, which involves analyzing the code without executing it. This approach allows for fast and consistent analysis of code changes.

Benefits of Automated Code Review:

  • Faster than manual review
  • Consistently applies best practices
  • Can scan a larger percentage of code changes
  • Can catch simple issues like syntax errors and security vulnerabilities

You can explore tools like-

CodecovGroup, merge, archive, and compare coverage reports
CodacyAutomated code reviews to help developers ship better software, faster
CoverallsEnsure that new code is fully covered, and see coverage trends emerge
CodeFactorAutomated Code Review for GitHub

Manual Code Review

Manual code review involves human review and analysis of the code. Manual code review can identify complex issues that automated tools may miss, such as design problems, performance bottlenecks, and inconsistencies in coding style. Manual review allows for critical thinking and deeper analysis of the code.

Benefits of Manual Code Review:

  • Can catch complex issues that automated tools can't
  • Implements critical and creative thinking in the review process
  • Helps identify design, maintainability, and scalability issues
  • Promotes understanding, collaboration, and communication within the team


Automated and manual code reviews have different strengths and weaknesses. Automated code review is faster and more consistent, making it suitable for catching simple issues and ensuring adherence to best practices. Manual code review, on the other hand, allows for deeper analysis and critical thinking, making it effective for identifying complex issues and improving overall code quality.

Ideally, a combination of both automated and manual code reviews should be used to maximize the benefits. Automated tools can catch simple issues and free up developer time, while manual reviews can focus on more complex issues and provide valuable insights and feedback.

The Importance of Readable Code

Readable code is crucial for software development projects. It allows developers to understand the code more easily, make changes without introducing bugs, and collaborate effectively. Readable code also reduces the time and effort required for code reviews and maintenance.

Readability and Maintainability

Readability and maintainability go hand in hand. Readable code is easier to maintain because it is easier to understand and modify. Code that is difficult to read and comprehend can lead to bugs, inefficiencies, and increased development time. It can also make it challenging for new team members to onboard and contribute effectively.

Code as Communication

Code is not just written for machines; it is also written for humans. Good code should communicate its intent clearly and concisely. When code is readable, it becomes a form of communication between developers, allowing them to understand the purpose, functionality, and flow of the code.

Benefits of Readable Code

Readable code offers several benefits for developers and development teams:

  • Improved understanding: Readable code is easier to understand, reducing the time required to comprehend its functionality and behavior.
  • Enhanced collaboration: Readable code promotes collaboration and teamwork by allowing developers to work together more effectively.
  • Reduced bugs and errors: Readable code is less prone to bugs and errors because it is easier to review and validate.
  • Increased efficiency: Readable code enables developers to make changes and modifications more efficiently, saving time and effort.
  • Better maintainability: Readable code is easier to maintain, refactor, and extend, leading to a more maintainable codebase.

Strategies for Writing Readable Code

Writing readable code is a skill that can be developed and improved over time. By following some strategies and best practices, developers can ensure their code is more readable and easier to understand.

1. Use Clear and Descriptive Names

Choose meaningful and descriptive names for variables, functions, and classes. Avoid using single-letter names or cryptic abbreviations. Clear names make the code more self-explanatory and reduce the need for additional comments.

2. Keep Functions and Methods Small and Focused

Functions and methods should have a single responsibility and perform a specific task. Keeping functions small and focused makes them easier to understand and promotes code reuse. If a function becomes too long or complex, consider refactoring it into smaller, more manageable pieces.

3. Use Consistent Indentation and Formatting

Consistent indentation and formatting improve code readability and make it easier to follow the code's structure. Use a consistent number of spaces or tabs for indentation and follow a consistent code formatting style throughout the codebase.

4. Write Self-Documenting Code

Write code that is self-explanatory and does not rely heavily on comments. Use meaningful variable and function names, and structure the code in a way that reflects its purpose and logic. Comments should be used sparingly to explain complex algorithms or assumptions.

5. Minimize Nesting and Control Flow Complexity

Avoid excessive nesting and complex control flow structures, such as deeply nested if statements or multiple levels of indentation. Simplify the code by breaking it into smaller, more manageable parts or using early returns to reduce nesting.

6. Follow Established Coding Conventions and Style Guides

Adhere to established coding conventions and style guides, such as PEP 8 for Python or the Google Java Style Guide. Consistent coding style across the codebase improves readability and makes it easier for developers to understand and maintain the code.

7. Use Meaningful Comments and Documentation

Use comments and documentation to provide additional context and explanations where necessary. Comments should focus on why the code is written in a particular way or what it is trying to achieve, rather than duplicating the code's functionality.

8. Test and Refactor Regularly

Regularly test and refactor the code to improve its readability and maintainability. Unit tests can act as living documentation, providing examples and usage scenarios for the code. Refactoring allows for continuous improvement and ensures that the code remains clean and readable.

By following these strategies, developers can write code that is more readable, easier to understand, and maintainable over time.

Best Practices for Commenting Code

Commenting code is an important aspect of writing readable and maintainable code. Well-placed comments provide additional context, explanations, and insights into the code's functionality and purpose. Here are some best practices for commenting code effectively:

1. Use Comments to Explain Why, Not What

Comments should focus on explaining the reason behind the code, the intent, and the higher-level logic, rather than simply repeating what the code does. Avoid commenting obvious things or duplicating the code's functionality in comments.

2. Comment Before Complex Code Blocks or Algorithms

If the code contains complex algorithms or logic, it is helpful to provide comments before those sections to explain the approach, assumptions, or any known limitations. This helps other developers understand the underlying logic and facilitates code comprehension.

3. Use Inline Comments Sparingly

Inline comments should be used sparingly and only when necessary. They should clarify specific lines or sections of code that may be hard to understand or require additional context. Inline comments should be concise and focused on the problematic code.

4. Update Comments During Code Refactoring

When refactoring code, make sure to update any relevant comments to reflect the changes. Outdated comments can be misleading and lead to confusion. Keep comments in sync with the code to ensure accuracy and relevance.

5. Be Consistent with Comment Style

Follow a consistent comment style throughout the codebase. This includes choosing a consistent format for comments (e.g., block comments or single-line comments), using a consistent level of detail, and adopting a consistent tone and language.

6. Consider Using Documentation Generators

Consider using documentation generators, such as Sphinx for Python or Javadoc for Java, to automatically generate documentation from specially formatted comments. Documentation generators make it easier to maintain up-to-date documentation and ensure consistency across the codebase.

7. Be Mindful of Comment Length

Avoid excessively long comments that span multiple lines. Long comments can be hard to read and may indicate that the code itself needs refactoring. If a comment becomes too long, consider breaking it into multiple shorter comments or using inline comments where appropriate.

8. Review and Validate Comments During Code Review

Include comments in the code review process and validate their accuracy, relevance, and clarity. Ensure that comments provide meaningful insights and explanations, and address any comments that may require revision or clarification.

By following these best practices, developers can write comments that enhance the understandability and maintainability of the code.

Using Meaningful Variable Names

Choosing meaningful variable names is crucial for writing readable code. Well-named variables improve code comprehension, reduce the need for additional comments, and make the code more self-explanatory. Here are some best practices for naming variables effectively:

1. Use Descriptive and Clear Names

Choose variable names that clearly describe their purpose and meaning. Avoid single-letter variable names or cryptic abbreviations that require additional mental effort to understand. Instead, opt for descriptive names that convey the variable's role in the code.

2. Be Consistent with Naming Conventions

Follow established naming conventions and conventions specific to the programming language or framework being used. Consistency in naming conventions improves code readability and makes it easier for developers to understand and navigate the codebase.

3. Use Pronounceable and Searchable Names

Choose variable names that are easy to read and pronounce. This makes it easier for developers to discuss the code and communicate about it effectively. Additionally, choose searchable names, allowing developers to quickly find and understand the purpose of a variable.

4. Avoid Ambiguous or Generic Names

Avoid using ambiguous or generic names that do not provide enough context or meaning. For example, instead of using names like data or temp, choose names that reflect the specific data or purpose of the variable, such as userInput or temporaryBuffer.

5. Use Camel Case or Underscore Naming Convention

Choose a naming convention and stick to it consistently throughout the codebase. Common naming conventions include camel case (e.g., firstName, totalAmount) and underscore (e.g., first_name, total_amount). The choice of convention may depend on the programming language or personal/team preferences.

6. Avoid Hungarian Notation

Avoid using Hungarian notation or other type-based naming conventions that encode the type of a variable in its name (e.g., strName, intCount). Modern programming languages and integrated development environments provide type inference and advanced features that make such naming conventions unnecessary and potentially confusing.

7. Use Singular and Plural Forms Appropriately

Use singular or plural forms appropriately when naming variables that represent collections or multiple instances of an object. For example, use user for a single user object and users for a collection of user objects.

8. Consider the Scope and Lifetime of Variables

Choose names that reflect the scope and lifetime of variables. For example, use names like localVariable for variables with a limited scope and globalVariable for variables with a wider scope. This helps developers understand the visibility and lifespan of variables.

By following these best practices, developers can choose meaningful variable names that improve code readability and comprehension.

Implementing Consistent Coding Style

Consistent coding style is essential for writing readable and maintainable code. A consistent coding style ensures that all developers on a team follow the same set of conventions and formatting rules. Here are some best practices for implementing and maintaining a consistent coding style:

1. Choose a Coding Style Guide

Choose a coding style guide that reflects your team's preferences and the programming language being used. Popular coding style guides include PEP 8 for Python, Google Java Style Guide, and Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide. The chosen style guide should cover aspects such as indentation, naming conventions, spacing, and code layout.

2. Document and Communicate the Coding Style

Document the chosen coding style guide and make it easily accessible to all team members. Communicate the importance of following the coding style guide and explain the rationale behind specific style decisions. Encourage team members to ask questions and provide feedback on the coding style.

3. Use Linters and Formatting Tools

Utilize linters and code formatting tools that automatically enforce the chosen coding style guide. Linters analyze the code for potential issues and style violations, while formatting tools automatically format the code according to the chosen style guide. Integrate these tools into the development workflow to ensure consistent adherence to the coding style.

4. Establish Code Review Guidelines

Include coding style adherence as part of the code review process. Reviewers should not only focus on functionality and logic but also verify that the code follows the coding style guide. Provide feedback on style violations during code reviews and encourage developers to address them.

5. Be Pragmatic and Consistent

While coding style guides provide guidelines, it is important to be pragmatic and adapt the style to the specific project and team's needs. Consistency is key, so even if some style decisions are debatable, it is essential to follow them consistently throughout the codebase. Consistency improves code readability and reduces cognitive load for developers.

6. Be Mindful of Legacy Code

When working with legacy code, it may not be feasible or practical to bring the entire codebase in line with the chosen coding style guide. In such cases, focus on ensuring that new code follows the coding style guide, and gradually refactor existing code to align with the style guide when appropriate.

7. Encourage Team Discussions and Collaboration

Encourage team discussions and collaboration on coding style decisions. Different team members may have different preferences or experiences that can contribute to improving the coding style guide. Foster an environment where open communication and constructive feedback are valued.

By implementing and maintaining a consistent coding style, developers can write code that is more readable, maintainable, and aligns with industry best practices.

The Role of Documentation in Code Review

Documentation plays a critical role in the code review process. Well-documented code not only helps reviewers understand the code but also improves the overall quality and maintainability of the codebase. Here are some ways documentation can enhance the code review process:

1. Clear Code Intent

Documentation provides insights into the intent and purpose of the code. It helps reviewers understand why specific design decisions were made and what problem the code is trying to solve. Documenting code intent can prevent misinterpretation and ensure that the code aligns with the project's goals and requirements.

2. Contextual Explanations

Documentation can provide additional context and explanations that may not be immediately apparent from the code alone. It can help explain complex algorithms, assumptions, or trade-offs made during development. By providing this background information, documentation helps reviewers gain a deeper understanding of the code.

3. Usage Examples and Scenarios

Documentation can include usage examples and scenarios that demonstrate how the code should be used and what outputs or behaviors to expect. These examples serve as test cases during the review process, allowing reviewers to verify that the code functions as intended. Well-documented usage examples also aid in onboarding new developers to the project.

4. API and Interface Documentation

When reviewing code that exposes APIs or interfaces, documentation becomes even more critical. Clear and comprehensive API documentation helps reviewers understand how to interact with the code and can prevent misunderstandings or misuse. It also promotes consistency and standardization across the project.

5. Code Dependencies and Interactions

Documentation can outline code dependencies and interactions with other parts of the codebase or external systems. This information helps reviewers gain a broader picture of how the code fits into the overall architecture and can identify potential issues or conflicts. Documenting dependencies and interactions ensures that reviewers have all the necessary information to provide accurate feedback.

6. Version History and Changelog

Maintaining a version history and changelog in the code documentation can be beneficial during the code review process. It allows reviewers to understand the evolution of the code, the purpose of specific changes, and any potential regressions or side effects. Version history and changelogs provide valuable context and aid in decision-making during the review process.

7. Documentation Review

During the code review process, reviewers should assess the quality and completeness of the code documentation. They should verify that the documentation accurately reflects the code, is up to date, and provides sufficient information for understanding and maintaining the code. Reviewers should provide feedback on any gaps or inaccuracies in the documentation.

By incorporating documentation into the code review process, developers can ensure that the code is well-documented, easier to understand, and more maintainable over time.


Simplifying the code review process and improving code readability are essential for creating high-quality software. By following the tips and best practices outlined in this article, developers can enhance the code review process, write more readable code, and promote effective collaboration within development teams.

Remember to understand the context, read the code thoroughly, follow style guidelines, identify potential bugs, verify input validation and error handling, review performance considerations, ensure proper documentation, and provide constructive feedback during the code review process. Consider using both automated and manual code reviews to maximize the benefits of each approach.

Writing readable code involves using meaningful variable names, implementing consistent coding style, commenting effectively, and understanding the importance of documentation. By adopting these strategies, developers can create code that is easier to understand, maintain, and collaborate on.

In conclusion, simplifying code review and improving code readability are ongoing processes that require continuous effort and attention. By prioritizing these aspects, developers can create software that is more reliable, efficient, and enjoyable to work with.