As developers, we’ve all been there: you write a simple database query, but instead of a quick update, your logs explode with confusing SQL errors. Recently, a team encountered a bizarre issue where their Sequelize update query for a feedback system unexpectedly included a non-existent feedback_item_id field. Let’s break down what happened, why it happened, and how to avoid this pitfall.
The Scenario: A Feedback System Model
Imagine a system where users submit ideas or issues. The core model, idm_feedback_items, tracks details like title, status, and relationships to categories, tags, and users. Here’s a simplified version of their Sequelize model:
module.exports = function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
const feedbackItem = sequelize.define("idm_feedback_items", {
// ... fields like title, status, etc. ...
status: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
// Foreign keys for relationships
user_id: DataTypes.INTEGER,
category_id: DataTypes.INTEGER,
// ... other fields ...
feedbackItem.associate = (models) => {
// Problematic association!
feedbackItem.belongsTo(models.idm_ideas_tags, {
foreignKey: "feedback_item_id",
as: "taggings"
// Correct many-to-many setup with tags
feedbackItem.belongsToMany(models.tags, {
through: models.idm_ideas_tags,
foreignKey: "feedback_item_id",
as: "tags"
return feedbackItem;
Everything looked fine until they ran an update:
await feedback_items.update(
{ status: "deleted" },
{ where: { external_key: "IDEA-10", product_id: 1131 } }
Everything looked fine until they ran an update:
SELECT ..., `feedback_item_id` FROM `idm_feedback_items` WHERE ...;
The Problem: The feedback_item_id field didn’t exist in their table. Why was Sequelize including it?
The Culprit: Misusing belongsTo
The root cause was an incorrect association. Let’s dissect the issue:
1. The Offending Code
In the associate function, they had:
feedbackItem.belongsTo(models.idm_ideas_tags, {
foreignKey: "feedback_item_id", // 🚩 Red flag!
as: "taggings"
2. Why This Broke
- idm_ideas_tags was a junction table for a many-to-many relationship between feedback items and tags.
- Using belongsTo incorrectly implied that idm_feedback_items has a direct foreign key feedback_item_id pointing to the junction table.
- Sequelize then assumed feedback_item_id was a column in idm_feedback_items and tried to include it in queries.
The Fix: Use belongsToMany for Junction Tables
Step 1: Delete the Incorrect Association
Remove the problematic belongsTo:
// Remove this block entirely!
// feedbackItem.belongsTo(models.idm_ideas_tags, { ... });
Step 2: Strengthen the Many-to-Many Setup
Ensure the relationship uses belongsToMany:
feedbackItem.belongsToMany(models.tags, {
through: models.idm_ideas_tags, // Junction table
foreignKey: "feedback_item_id", // Field in the JUNCTION table
otherKey: "tag_id", // Field in the JUNCTION table
as: "tags"
How This Works
- belongsToMany tells Sequelize that the relationship is managed through a junction table.
- The foreignKey and otherKey point to columns in the junction table, not the main model.
Lessons Learned
1. belongsTo vs. belongsToMany
table {
width: 100%;
border-collapse: collapse;
margin-top: 20px;
th, td {
border: 1px solid #000;
padding: 10px;
text-align: left;
th {
background-color: #f2f2f2;
Associations Table
Association |
Use Case |
Foreign Key Location |
belongsTo |
Many-to-One or One-to-One |
Current model’s table |
belongsToMany |
Many-to-Many (via junction table) |
Junction table |
2. Common Pitfalls
- Assuming junction tables need direct associations: They don’t. Use belongsToMany to abstract the junction.
- Naming conflicts: Ensure foreign keys in associations don’t clash with existing columns.
3. Debugging Tips
- Log Sequelize Queries: Enable logging to catch unexpected fields.
- Validate Associations: Double-check foreignKey and through settings.
Best Practices for Sequelize Associations
1. Map Relationships Early
Sketch your database schema before coding. Identify:
- Which tables are junction tables?
- Which relationships are one-to-many vs. many-to-many?
2. Use Consistent Naming
Stick to a naming convention for foreign keys:
// Good
user_id: DataTypes.INTEGER // Singular
feedback_item_id: DataTypes.INTEGER
// Avoid
userId: DataTypes.INTEGER // PascalCase clashes with default behavior
3. Test Associations
Write unit tests to verify relationships:
it("should have tags via junction table", async () => {
const feedback = await FeedbackItem.findByPk(1, { include: "tags" });
Final Thoughts
Sequelize associations are powerful but require precision. Misusing belongsTo instead of belongsToMany is a common mistake, especially when junction tables are involved. By understanding how these methods map to your database schema, you’ll avoid unexpected queries and keep your codebase clean.
Next time your SQL query includes a mysterious field, check your associations—it might just save your day.
Gotchas to Watch For:
- Accidental belongsTo on junction tables.
- Typos in foreign key names.
- Forgetting to define both sides of the association (if needed).
Further Reading:
Keywords: Sequelize BelongsTo Association, Node.js ORM, Many-to-Many Relationships, Database Schema Design
Audience: Node.js developers using Sequelize for database management.
Engage: Have you battled unexpected fields in Sequelize? Share your war stories below! 🛠️💬