Business Model Canvas

Create, analyze and communicate your business model with Business Model Canvas. A strategic management and lean startup template for developing and documenting a business model.

What is Business Model Canvas?

Business Model Canvas is a strategic management tool that helps businesses to visualize, design, and analyze their business models. It is a one-page template that outlines the key elements of a business model, including the value proposition, customer segments, revenue streams, cost structure, and key partnerships.

History of Business Model Canvas

The Business Model Canvas was developed by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur in their book, "Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers," which was published in 2010. The authors created the canvas as a way to help entrepreneurs and businesses to better understand and communicate their business models.

Key Elements of Business Model Canvas

The Business Model Canvas consists of nine key elements:

  • Customer Segments: The specific groups of customers that a business serves.
  • Value Proposition: The unique value that a business offers to its customers.
  • Channels: The ways in which a business reaches and interacts with its customers.
  • Customer Relationships: The types of relationships that a business has with its customers.
  • Revenue Streams: The sources of revenue for a business.
  • Key Resources: The resources that a business needs to create and deliver its value proposition.
  • Key Activities: The activities that a business needs to perform to create and deliver its value proposition.
  • Key Partnerships: The partnerships that a business needs to create and deliver its value proposition.
  • Cost Structure: The costs that a business incurs to create and deliver its value proposition.

Benefits of Business Model Canvas

The Business Model Canvas provides several benefits to businesses, including:

  • Clarity: The canvas helps businesses to clearly define and communicate their business models.
  • Flexibility: The canvas is a flexible tool that can be adapted and modified as a business evolves.
  • Collaboration: The canvas encourages collaboration and discussion among team members and stakeholders.
  • Focus: The canvas helps businesses to focus on the key elements of their business models and identify areas for improvement.


The Business Model Canvas is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes and industries. By using the canvas to visualize and analyze their business models, businesses can gain clarity, flexibility, collaboration, and focus, which can ultimately lead to greater success and growth.