Impact Map

What is Impact Map?

Impact Map is a product management tool that helps teams to visualize and prioritize the impact of their product features on their business goals. It is a visual representation of the product roadmap that helps teams to align their efforts with the company's strategic objectives.

How does Impact Map work?

Impact Map is a hierarchical diagram that starts with the company's strategic goals at the top level. The next level represents the business objectives that support the strategic goals. The third level represents the product features that contribute to the business objectives. The fourth level represents the user stories that implement the product features.

Each level of the Impact Map is linked to the level above it, creating a clear line of sight from the user stories to the company's strategic goals. This helps teams to understand how their work contributes to the company's success and to prioritize their efforts accordingly.

What are the benefits of using Impact Map?

Impact Map has several benefits for product management teams:

  • Alignment: Impact Map helps teams to align their efforts with the company's strategic goals, ensuring that everyone is working towards the same objectives.
  • Clarity: Impact Map provides a clear line of sight from the user stories to the company's strategic goals, helping teams to understand how their work contributes to the company's success.
  • Focus: Impact Map helps teams to prioritize their efforts based on the impact of their work on the company's strategic goals.
  • Communication: Impact Map provides a visual representation of the product roadmap that can be easily communicated to stakeholders.


Impact Map is a powerful tool for product management teams that helps them to align their efforts with the company's strategic goals, prioritize their work, and communicate their roadmap to stakeholders. By using Impact Map, teams can ensure that they are working towards the same objectives and that their work is contributing to the company's success.