Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Learn about Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and develop a product with maximum value with minimum effort. Discover how the MVP development process can help you iterate faster and minimize costs.

What is Minimum Viable Product (MVP)?

Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a product development strategy that focuses on creating a basic version of a product with just enough features to satisfy early adopters and gather feedback for future development. It is a concept that was popularized by Eric Ries in his book, "The Lean Startup."

Why is MVP important?

MVP is important because it allows product managers to test their ideas with minimal investment and risk. By launching a basic version of the product, they can quickly validate their assumptions and gather feedback from real users. This feedback can then be used to improve the product and add more features that are in line with what customers actually want.

How to create an MVP?

Creating an MVP involves identifying the core features that are essential to the product's value proposition. These features should be prioritized based on their importance to the user and their feasibility to implement. Once the core features are identified, a basic version of the product can be developed and launched to a small group of early adopters.

Benefits of MVP

The benefits of MVP include:

  • Reduced development costs
  • Reduced time to market
  • Early validation of assumptions
  • Real user feedback
  • Improved product-market fit


Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a product development strategy that allows product managers to test their ideas with minimal investment and risk. By launching a basic version of the product, they can quickly validate their assumptions and gather feedback from real users. This feedback can then be used to improve the product and add more features that are in line with what customers actually want.