Product Vision

Learn about Product Vision and how it helps product managers define the long-term goal of a product. A concise statement that defines scope and purpose.

What is Product Vision?

Product vision is a term used in product management that refers to a clear and concise description of what a product is, what it does, and what it aims to achieve. It is a high-level concept that defines the purpose and direction of a product, and serves as a guide for the development team to create a product that meets the needs of its target market.

Why is Product Vision Important?

A product vision is important because it helps to align the development team with the overall goals of the product. It provides a clear understanding of what the product is, what it does, and what it aims to achieve. This understanding is critical to the success of the product, as it ensures that the development team is working towards a common goal and that everyone is on the same page.

Additionally, a product vision helps to keep the development team focused on the most important features and functionality of the product. It serves as a guide for decision-making, ensuring that the team is prioritizing the features and functionality that are most important to the success of the product.

How to Create a Product Vision

Creating a product vision requires a deep understanding of the target market, the competition, and the overall goals of the product. The following steps can help you create a product vision:

  1. Define the target market: Identify the target market for the product and understand their needs, wants, and pain points.
  2. Analyze the competition: Understand the competitive landscape and identify the unique value proposition of the product.
  3. Define the product: Define the product in terms of what it is, what it does, and what it aims to achieve.
  4. Communicate the vision: Communicate the product vision to the development team and ensure that everyone is on the same page.


A product vision is a critical component of product management. It provides a clear understanding of what the product is, what it does, and what it aims to achieve. By creating a product vision, you can ensure that the development team is aligned with the overall goals of the product and that everyone is working towards a common goal. So, take the time to create a product vision for your product and use it as a guide for the development team to create a successful product.